And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Well it has been a LOOOONG time since I have posted anything on our blog.  Almost forgot I had it!  A lot has happened in the past 8 years.  We still are in Gilbertsville, but we moved last year into a new home.  Very exciting!  Part of the reason for that was that Joceline was getting married!  She married her high school sweetheart, Jeramey, in September and they continue to live with us in our finished basement (complete with their own bedroom and full bath).  Here is a pic from the wedding:

Also this summer of 2020, Alyssa graduated from high school!  It looked a lot different this year as the coronavirus hit us in late February/early March, and shut down schools mid-March (right after her senior class glad they got that in!).  Graduation was a "virtual" ceremony, so all the family came over to celebrate together.  Here is one of my favorites from Alyssa's senior photo shoot:

So as you can easily see, our girls are growing up and moving on with life.  LIFE.  That word has taken on a whole new meaning this year due to the virus.  What truly makes up a LIFE?  It is the activities we do, the places we go, the jobs we have?  Yes and no.  It's all those things and so much more.  For the believer in Christ, it is also the "one shot" we have here on this planet to make a difference for HIM in the lives of others.  In our daily interactions, be they through work or when out running errands, we have an impact on others.  What kind of impact do you leave?  When you leave, do others find themselves going back over your words and actions and smiling, or thinking more deeply about what you shared?  Or do they think good riddance, glad that is over?  

Life is a struggle from day 1.  As babies, we are totally dependent on our parents for literally EVERYTHING we need.  We can do absolutely nothing by ourselves or for ourselves (except to cry and scream).  As we grow, we learn to fend for ourselves, to find "our way in the world".  Hopefully we become "independent" and no longer need the daily support of family for the day to day needs.  Also hopefully we find meaningful work in this world, work that not only supplies our needs physically, but also mentally and maybe emotionally on some level.  More than that though, we need to find God's meaning and purpose for our lives.  Is it easy?  Not necessarily but He has given us tools to do so.  Is it worth it?  100% yes.  And is it always clear?  No.  But we do have His Word to help guide us along the way, and other believers more "seasoned" than us to call on when we feel lost and confused.  The main purpose of my life is to give glory to God in all I do, say and a wife, a mother, a daughter, an employee.  Do I fall short?  More times than there are grains of sand by the shore.  But I press on clinging to the promise of Romans 8:28 among others:  For we know that God causes ALL THINGS (emphasis mine) to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.  If I keep my focus on HIM and HIS PURPOSE, then even the things way beyond my control that impact me from day to day are HIS to work for good in my life and in the lives of others I come into contact with.  This LIFE is soul will live forever.  My prayer every day is that my focus remains on HIM.   What is your focus on?  As a friend who is a pastor recently posted, You move toward that which you focus on.  May the LORD always be my focus.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

2012 in Review

So...2012 has come and gone!  I'm going to post a bunch of pictures that cover our year to give you an idea of how CRAZY it was!  Our summer especially was really busy!  So...enjoy!

So this first group is from our first trip this past visit my mom out in Cincinnati.  We went camping, went to Kings Island (twice!), and the Khrone Conservatory to their butterfly exhibit.

This next group is from Alyssa's 4th grade class trip to Harrisburg, PA.  I was a chaperone, and it was a really cool trip!  This was late May.

This next group is from July...our Kane family trip to Myrtle Beach (which we are already looking forward to next summer) and our family "reunion" at Aunt Carol & Vinnie's house (and the boat rides).

Our last "big" vacation of the summer was our first ever cruise!  On board the Disney Magic, we headed out of New York to St. John, New Brunswick, and Halifax, Novia Scotia, Canada.  Alyssa LOVED getting her picture taken with the different pricesses on board, and Joceline was hardly seen by us as she spent a large amount of time with her new friends in the Vibe lounge (see the picture with the movie posters in it).  We all had a great cruise won't be Disney, but I'm sure we'll have a blast again.

So there you have our 2012 summer in review!  Over Thanksgiving we did go to Split Rock Resort in the Poconos, but I don't have too many pictures from that (we did go to the water park there twice, and that was fun, too).  Christmas Eve was hosted here at our house, but would you believe I completely FORGOT to get the camera out to capture the craziness???  Well, as I said before, God is in control, and He is good...all the time.  My prayer for 2013 is that I will grow ever more to be like Him in every aspect of my life...not just the parts that are public, private life as well.
God bless to all my family!